What is organic protein powder? Find out Here


Hope you guys have been working hard and striving to be the best version of yourselves. Make sure to do that task you’ve been procrastinating for so long, this is your sign. 

So, today we go through another type of protein powder; “organic” protein powder. 

I believe this is a relatively unkown protein powder to many. I know it was to me. 

Most people have an awareness of whey protein, whey isolate and vegan protein powder. Organic protein powder? Nah, most people don’t even know what that is or what it encompasses. 

Therefore, we’ll be covering what organic means, benefits, price and if it’s worth it.

Let’s get into it

Understanding Organic

Let’s first decipher what organic ingredients are.

Organic ingredients are those that are not subjected to fertilisers, pesticides, growth regulators and additives. Think of them as being purely ‘natural’ if you will. Untouched.

I’m sure you’re aware that many ingredients and foods that are purchased in grocery stores have undergone some processing or have had some additives included.

Organic essentially removes all that.

Furthermore, organic ingredients are considered more sustainable. They promote sustainable use of resources and reduce pollution.

So, applying this to what an organic protein powder actually is, it’s a protein powder made from organic sources of protein. The ‘organic’ term is focused on the way the ingredients used in the protein are produced.

Examples include:

– Organic peas

– Organic rice

– Organic hemp

– Organic whey

– Organic soy


    Let’s get into the benefits

    The biggest benefit is the reduced amount of chemicals and other additives. Since organic ingredients are significantly lower in chemicals, and additives and are produced naturally, it reduces the chances for you to consume potentially harmful chemicals and present residues. 

    Another benefit is that with organic protein powders, they typically do not have any artificial sweeteners, colours, preservatives or flavours. I already covered the topic of how too many artificial sweeteners in a protein powder is something you’d want to avoid. However, we’ll go over this again. 

    Too many artifical sweeteners can cause digestive issues, increased blood sugar levels, and increased risk of stroke and heart disease. Therefore, since organic protein powders typically do not have any sweeteners present, you’ll be able to avoid these consequences. 

    Furthermore, some people consider organic organic protein powders to have a better and more natural taste compared to non-organic protein powders. Although, this is most likely to do with the lack of artificial sweeteners. 

    Additionally, organic products typically are non-GMO. ‘GMO’ stands for ‘genetically modified organisms’. Some people have concerns about GMO because of the potential allergies, cancer and environmental issues. Having an organic protein powder, which consequently does not have any GMO, reduces the need to worry about this.


    Can’t ignore this point, it’s the first thing that will stick out to you when deciding to purchase this product. 

    I’ll be straight forward: Organic protein powder is more expensive than your standard whey. Not just a little bit too, I’d say it’s a decent amount. 

    Be prepared to spend more on organic protein powder. This is to be expected though, as organic protein powders are perceived to be of higher ‘quality’. Therefore, more quality normally correlates to a higher price. 

    Worth it?

    So are organic protein powders?

    For me? At this point in time, I do not believe it’s worth it for me. I don’t see a need to switch from non-organic to organic, I don’t think the price increase is worth it for me and I believe my health is good. However, like all things in life, this may change. 

    I used to think that I would never have a raw protein powder, one that did not have an artificial flavouring, but now it’s a staple. 

    You have to consider if you actually want the organic protein powder, and aren’t just purchasing it because someone said you should. Compare it to others. 

    Look back to understand what organic means, understand that you’ll be paying more and understand the benefits. 

    Furthermore, understand that this is just a supplement and it’ll be fine if you don’t buy it at all. 

    Do you want a protein powder, or do you want an organic protein powder? If you just want a standard protein powder, then there really isn’t a need to go for the organic option. However, if you’re really health conscious, then going for the organic protein powder may be a better option for you. 

    Regardless of what you choose, it’s not the be-all and end-all. You can always change. It’s not like you’re stuck. 

    Experiment and find what you like. 

    Ask yourself these questions

    1. Do I have the financial means to spend more on an organic protein powder, in comparison to a standard?

    2. Why do I want an organic protein powder?

    3. What benefits would I get from buying an organic option?

    4. What is urging me to buy an organic protein powder?

    Just think on those questions for a few moments before making any crazy decisions. 


    Today we went through what organic means, what an organic protein powder consists of, the price and if it’s worth it. We also listed some questions you should ask yourself when contemplating the purchasing of an organic protein powder. 

    Thank you for reading and I hope you learnt something, just as I did. 

    I’ll see you all next time. 

    Go do that task now. Stop procrastinating. Get to work. Good luck!

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