What is a collagen protein powder?


Collagen protein powder.

What is a collagen protein powder? This is the topic for today. 

I believe many people, including myself up until recently, are fairly unfamiliar with this product. 

Like all the other types of protein powder, it has a unique characteristic (which is as the name suggests, the presence of collagen!)

I won’t waste your time blabbing on and on to increase the word count here, so I’ll get straight to the point of what we’re covering today. I know many of you are probably busy and want a straight answer (as I would want), so I’ll bear that in mind. 

We’ll go through the purpose of collagen, the protein content within this powder, the price and when it is ideal to purchase this product. 

Let’s get into it

Breaking down the Purpose of Collagen

Collagen is a protein found within the body. It’s found within our skin, muscles, bones and other connective tissue. 

It is the primary builder of the skin, muscles, tendons and other connective tissue. Collagen makes them stronger and more resilient. Collagen is therefore essential to our health due to the significant role it plays for our body.

So, what foods contain collagen?

Well it’s likely that you’re already eating them, nonetheless here is a list. 

– Fish

– Egg whites

– Bone broths (e.g. Beef and pork)

– Organ meats

– Berries

– Chicken (skin on)

– And many, many more…

Thankfully, foods that are high in collagen and boost production aren’t some extravagant food item that is hard to find. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of you reading actually eat all of them.

It would then lead to the question, “why would anyone even buy collagen protein powder if it’s so accessible in everyday foods?”

Well, this is for a variety of reasons. One of them is that some people are vegetarians and vegans. 

They may not eat bone broths, organ meats, fish etc. These sources are exceptionally high in collagen and can be a big loss, so this is where collagen protein powder comes in. 

Another reason may be is that they have a health condition that requires them to consume more collagen than normal. Personally, I have a relative who consciously aims to have more collagen because of their health condition. They take collagen tablets and had tried collagen protein powder in the past. 

Furthermore, some people may simply want to increase the amount of collagen they consume for their health and just for that reason too. 

Therefore, there are a multitude of reasons as to why some people would choose to have this collagen protein powder. The powder serves as both a collagen supplement and a protein supplement.

Protein Content

Although the presence of collagen is an important part of this supplement, there is still the other component; The protein component. 

Chances are though, if you’ve chosen to take collagen protein powder, the protein amount isn’t the most important thing on your mind. You’re probably more focused on boosting your collagen intake. Despite this, it’s necessary to go through it. 

Regarding the protein amount, it varies amongst each specific collagen protein powder manufacturer. However, after browsing the market, the protein amount for collagen protein powder is the same, if not slightly lower than your standard whey protein. 

This is actually pretty good, as it means that you haven’t sacrificed a bunch of protein for the collagen. I’d be quite satisfied with this if I were a reader thinking about purchasing this product. 

The protein content does not seem to vary too much, which is quite comforting. At the end of the day, you’re intending to buy a ‘collagen protein powder’, not a collagen powder or a standard protein powder. 


This is where things might surprise you. 

We can’t ignore price, it’s one of the most important factors when debating about purchasing something. For most people, it’s potentially the most important thing. 

With price, approximately, the collagen protein powder is the same as your standard whey protein. If not, it is slightly more expensive. 

Again, I’d like to reiterate, it’s only slightly more expensive. It’s not a massive price increase, so keep that in mind. 

This is most likely due to the processing, production and overall focus; that being collagen. 

When should you purchase it?

So, when and if you should purchase this product is dependent on numerous factors, all of which stem from you. 

If you’re looking for a standard protein powder that isn’t specialised, I’d recommend going for the other options on the market. You’re likely to get more protein for the weight you purchase anyway.

If you are a vegan for example and want to have more collagen in your diet, then a collagen protein powder may be a good option for you. 

If you want to have more collagen in your diet, whilst boosting protein, then collagen may be a good option. 

You see it ultimately depends on what you want and I cannot make that decision for you. However, consider these things before purchasing them. 

– Consider if you are in a position where you’re able to consume foods that are naturally high in collagen. 

– Consider if you have the financial capabilities to buy it. 

– Consider if you actually want to buy it, and not just for the sake of it.


That brings us to a close. 

If you’re really concerned about your collagen intake, it’s probably best for you to go see a doctor to get a tangible test. 

I hope you were able to learn something today and found all of this helpful in some way. Remember, this is just a supplement at the end of the day and it is unlikely that you will ever need it. It’s to fill in the gaps within your diet. 

Finally, I’d like to remind you all that I am not a qualified dietician, I’m just spreading what I know to those who wish to learn. 

Remember to go do a productive task after this. Good luck friends and I’ll see you next time. 

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