Benefits Of Spirulina Protein Powder


Spirulina protein powder. Some people call it ‘spirulina powder’ and some people include the protein aspect. One thing is for sure though…

This is a superfood.

Before we begin, if you’d like to learn more about what spirulina protein powder is, you can check out the guide we’ve made just for you.

Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae that can be found in marine waters all over the world.

Yes, it’s everywhere!

Algae can also be consumed in two forms: powder and tablets. The majority of people opt for the powder version. Primarily because it can be combined with protein shakes, and juices and blended with other things. Sounds versatile doesn’t it?

Today, you and me will be going over a few things. We’ll briefly introduce spirulina, explore the fitness benefits, health benefits and go into an overall evaluation.

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I hope you’ve been having a great day my friend, let’s get some learning done. Hopefully you get some value out of all this because your time is valuable.

Introduction to Spirulina: The Superfood Powerhouse

Don’t worry, this introduction won’t be too boring (hopefully). You’ll want to know this

Spirulina has been a food source that was used by the Aztecs in the 16th-century. Yep, the Aztec soldiers used it.

Taking an even further step back into history , the Kanem Empire in the 9th century used spirulina as well.

It isn’t a superfood for nothing. It’s been used for centuries and centuries. You’ve stumbled onto something nice here.

As previously mentioned, Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae found in the waters across the globe. However, it is packed with nutrients and is very, very dense.

It’s amongst the most nutrient-dense foods in the world and some regard it as the most nutrient-dense.

Spirulina’s protein weight is approximately 60%

Furthermore, in a 7g serving. Spirulina has

– 20.3 calories

– 4.02g protein

– 1.67g of carbs

– 0.54g of fat

Those macros are very nice

(We’ll go into the presence of the other nutrients later)

Alright, it’s time we properly dive into the benefits my friend. We’ll first go through the fitness benefits

Plunging Deeper: Understanding From a Fitness Standpoint

Spirulina Fitness benefits

  • Growth, Maintenance and Fat Loss

Additionally, protein helps you to repair and maintain muscle. Having an additional protein boost (from the spirulina protein powder) would help in that process.

You have to think holistically.

Spirulina is a supplement that, despite it’s small serving size, provides a multitude of health benefits. Don’t think so narrow-minded and behave in a way where you see a small protein amount and think:

“nah this is terrible. Protein too small”

You’re better than that. Think beyond protein. You will find out later on about how this supplement goes beyond simply protein. Stay tune for that.

Finally, you want abs?

Spirulina will help you get that goal.

Now I’m not saying spirulina=abs, because that would be lying to you.

However, the protein provided from the spirulina will help you to feel full. Feeling full will help you maintain a caloric deficit and fight those cravings.

This will enable you to keep losing fat (and not muscle because you would be eating a high-protein diet)

  • Complete protein

Unlike many other plant-based protein powders, spirulina protein powder is a complete protein source. This means that it contains all the essential amino acids that human’s cannot produce on their own.

On top of this, complete proteins are usually more bioavailable.

In simpler words, it means our bodies can absorb it better and use it for building muscle.

Bear in mind though, complete or incomplete, our bodies will use and absorb them for muscle.


Unveiling the Overall Health Benefits of Spirulina Protein Powder

This is the big one. The money grabber. This is what makes Spirulina a superfood.

Spirulina Health benefits

Go into the presence of other vitamins and minerals. Their benefits

  • Boosting the immune system and maintaining good health.

Numerous studies have come to the conclusion that spirulina can promote the production of antibodies, infection-fighting proteins, and cells that improve immunity. Not only this, but it was found that spirulina can assist our bodies in responding to parasites and improving overall immune regulation.

So you’re getting a protein powder that also helps your immune system. That’s very good my friend. Spirulina’s role in cardiovascular health: Lowering cholesterol and blood pressure.

  • Detoxification and antioxidant properties of spirulina.

Spirulina has many antioxidants. The most prominent is phycocyanin.

Phycocyanin is a natural blue pigment that can be found in spirulina and other types of algae. It’s a large contributor to Spirulina’s colour.

But forget about that, this is a powerful antioxidant. It has anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects.

Quite interesting that something so odd-looking from the ocean can give you all of this. Nonetheless, we are grateful for this.

  • Vitamin and Mineral rich

Spirulina has the following vitamins and minerals.

– B complex vitamins

– Beta-carotene

– Vitamin E

– Manganese

– Potassium

– Sodium

– Zinc

– Copper

– Iron

– Selenium

– Gamma linolenic acid

  • Could help reduce blood pressure

Remember phycocyanin. Yes, well it was actually found in a study that it can lower blood pressure and could be helpful for ‘preventing endothelial dysfunction-related diseases in metabolic syndrome’

  • Reduce Cholesterol and Managing Cardiovascular Disease

This product can also be very helpful in lowering cholesterol levels. In this study on animals, they were fed a diet that had caused hypercholesterolemia for four weeks. Following the four weeks, they were fed a HCD supplemented with Spirulina for another 8 weeks.

The result?

LDL levels decreased by 26.4%. The study came to the conclusion that Spirulina can reduce cholesterol levels and even suggested that spirulina could reduce risk factors for cardiovascular diseases.

That’s another reason as to why this is a superfood.

  • Assisting Eye Health

Have you ever heard of zeaxanthin?

Probably not, but you’ll want to know now.

It’s a predominant xanthophyll which is found in the human eyes. It’s an organic pigment and is related to vitamin A.

It’s believed to protect the eye tissues from sunlight damage

Guess what my friend?

You probably guessed it, Spirulina has a high concentration of zeaxanthin, which you means your eye health will benefit greatly. The risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration will be reduced.

Final Note

That was a lot wasn’t it?

Well, we had to go through those things to show you why the benefits go beyond simply protein. It’s a superfood because it has more than one benefits.

Spirulina’s fitness benefits include muscle growth and maintenance. Also, it helps with fat loss and is a complete protein source.

Moreover, with it’s overall health benefits, it can boost the immune system, promotes good health, provides antioxidants, is vitamin and mineral rich, reduces blood pressure and cholesterol, assists eye health and can reduce risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

Spirulina really is a superfood and I hope you were able to learn something today my friend.

I hope you have a great day and let me know what other benefits you’ve found for Spirulina.

Until we meet again, which I hope we will.


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