Benefits of pea protein powder


Welcome back or nice to have you here (if this is your first time here). Hopefully, you’ve all been trying to improve yourselves, pushing yourselves, or taking a well-deserved break (emphasis on the deserved. Breaks feel better after working hard). 

The next time you come back here, I hope you’re able to smile when I ask if you’ve been working hard because you’ve been putting in the work. 

So, pea protein powder (quite a switch I know). 

It’s a protein powder that’s made from, as the name suggests, peas. It goes through a range of steps. From drying, milling and separating.

You might already have a basic understanding of what pea protein powder is or you might be deciding if you should buy it.

Both of these questions will eventually lead you to what we’ll be going over today: The benefits of pea protein powder.

When I was researching the benefits, I found the benefits to be quite surprising. Whilst I have never tried it, because I enjoy my whey protein. I understand that there are people who prefer the vegan option or are simply curious about the benefits of pea protein.

Today will be straightforward. We will go through the list of benefits.

That’s it. Straight to the point. No need to waste anymore time.

Let’s get into it.

Muscle and Fullness

We’ll go into the unique benefits later. I just want to cover this bit first. 

Yes, the key part of this product is the “pea” element. However, I don’t want you to forget the fact that this is still a protein powder. It’s still a product that will provide additional protein to your diet and body. 

It will still assist you in building muscle. Whether it’s pea, whey, rice, egg or whatever variant of protein powder. At the end of the day, it is still a protein powder. 

Protein is the key nutrient to maintaining and building muscle. Whether you are on a cut, bulk or maintainenance phase, having pea protein powder will help you maintain or build muscle. Don’t forget this. 

Without protein, you will struggle to maintain and build mass and experience weakness, fatigue, hunger and hair growth problems. 

So don’t forget that this is still a protein powder. Emphasis on the PROTEIN part.

Another important thing to note is that pea protein powder is a ‘complete’ protein. What does this mean?

It means that it contains all of the nine essential amino acids. Not many protein powders have all the essential acids, so this shouldn’t be overlooked.

Finally, as it’s a protein powder, this means that you are going to feel more full. Protein reduces our level of the hormone known as ‘ghrelin’. Ghrelin is known as the hunger hormone, so when we consume protein, this hormone goes down and we feel full.

This will assist in controlling your appetite.

Vegan Option

Pea protein powder is suitable for vegans and vegetarians. It’s not made from animal products, so it is suitable for vegan and non-vegan consumers. It’s also gluten-free and dairy-free.

Furthermore, pea protein powder does not have any of the top eight food allergens.

These allergens are milk, peanuts, fish, eggs, soybeans, wheat, tree nuts and shellfish.

So basically, almost anyone can have this product.

It’s versatile, in that it appeals to a wide majority of people.

So don’t be concerned, it’s likely that this product will be available for you. (It’s still good to check the ingredients in the back and call a professional in the event that you are concerned)


If you’re concerned about how digestible this product is, don’t worry. 

Pea protein has been shown to be digested well and is easy on your stomach. Pea protein has an average digestibility rate of around 90-95%. Pretty damn high, eh?

This can also be attributed to the fact that the top eight allergens are not present. 

High in Iron

Pea protein is quite high in iron. 

In itself, peas are high in iron, so it makes sense that the protein powder would be too. 

Why is iron important?

Well it’s needed for growth and development. It supports energy levels and improves mental performance. It’s needed to preserve many vital functions. 

You get it. Ya need your iron and pea protein powder helps you with that

Cholesterol and blood pressure

Studies have actually shown that the consumption of pea protein can actually reduce cholesterol. That is correct, pea protein powder can reduce cholesterol levels. 

On top of this, pea protein powder has also been shown to reduce blood pressure and may improve cardiovascular health.


There we have it. Around 7 benefits of pea protein powder. 

Crazy isn’t it. 

Pea protein powder is a great option for absolutely anyone. Don’t underestimate it, but also don’t overestimate it. Remember that it is a supplement at the end of the day. It’s an addition to your diet. So don’t place too much importance on it. 

Alright, that’s enough from me.

I’ll see you all soon and continue working hard on whatever is you’re striving for. Until we meet again.

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