Benefits of Egg Protein Powder


The benefits of egg protein powder are numerous. More than you can imagine. This wonderful protein powder can benefit you in more ways than one, and today we’ll go through what those benefits are and how YOU can get them.

A no-nonsense explanation, directed at providing you with value. You’ve provided me with your valuable time, so you deserve the best information that is high quality and usable.

We’ll briefly provide you with an introduction to what egg protein powder is and we’ll divide the benefits into two categories: The fitness benefits and the overall health benefits. Following this, we’ll go through some misconceptions and tell you the truth of protein powders. Finally, you and me will go through the secrets of how to get these benefits.

After every section in this post, ask yourself, “does this sound like something I want?”. This will keep you present throughout reading and enable you to get the most out of this.

If you want to learn more about egg protein powder, and not simply about it’s benefits, we’ve created a guide just for you that you can read right here. It’ll definitely broaden your understanding.

I want to first give you a brief list of the benefits of egg protein powder, then we’ll go through our expansive list.

The benefits of egg protein powder include:

– Muscle growth and maintenance

– Fat loss

– Weight management

– Low in fat

– Supporting Immune function

– Complete protein source

– High Biological Value

– Lactose-Free

– High in nutrients

– Anti-cancer effects

Let’s get into it all right now my friend.

Unlocking the Power of Egg Protein Powder: An Introduction

Egg protein powder is a protein powder that is sourced from the egg whites in whole eggs. That’s pretty much it. Only egg whites.

Almost all of the protein found in whole eggs is in the egg whites, so this protein powder maximises it.

How it is sourced?

The egg whites are separated from the egg yolks, then it is pasteurized and dried. That’s a very quick overview, but you’re here for the benefits anyway.


Helping with muscle growth and maintenance

If you didn’t know (which is fine), protein is the building block of muscle. So, adding more of this building block (protein!) is going to increase the amount of muscle you can build.

Many people do not actually get enough protein in their diet. Not only is this bad for your overall health, but it becomes even more detrimental to my gym kings and queens that want to build muscle.

I was in this position. I wasn’t eating enough protein, even though I thought I was (you may not realise it, but you could be in this boat too) and I was beating my self and getting really confused on why I wasn’t making enough gains.

I incorporated protein powder into my diet and it helped a lot.

Egg protein powder will do this for you.


Egg protein powder will help you build muscle.

Additionally, protein is essential for the maintenance of muscle in our bodies. Adding extra protein to our diet (through this protein powder) will help you keep your hard earned muscle.

Shredding the fat

To shred the fat off your body, you’ll need to maintain a caloric deficit. This is the best way to lose fat. You must be eating less calories than your body needs to maintain it’s weight

Makes sense? Sweet.

Don’t worry this isn’t too complicated.

Essentially, protein keeps you full. When you eat protein, it lowers your ghrelin levels (hormone that makes you hungry) and increases your leptin levels (hormone that makes you feel full).

By having these hormones fluctuate in such a way, it’ll prevent the chances of you overeating.

It will lower the chances of you munching on those chips, that ice cream and whatever high calorie snacks you’re craving.

Ultimately, you’ll be able to keep your calorie intake in check for the day and maintain in a deficit.

Egg protein powder, you’re a key asset to shredding those kg’s .

Promoting your bulk

Egg protein powder will also help you in your bulk.

To bulk, you need to be eating in a caloric surplus. This means you’re eating more calories than your body burns and needs to maintain it’s weight.

You need to be eating in a surplus and consuming a sufficient amount of protein. These two factors (among others, including training style) will be the key to building muscle.

“But we already spoke about how the protein will help you build muscle? Aren’t you just repeating yourself?”

Is what you might be thinking. I’m not referring to the protein itself though this time.

I’m talking about it’s calories and the protein you get from it. Egg protein powder’s calories are great. In a 30g serving, the calories are around 120 calories, yet you’re getting about 24g protein.

Let’s take this from another angle to broaden your understanding.

That same 30g serving, for peanuts, is about 180 calories, with the protein being at 9g.

For raw pasta, that same serving could be 107 calories, but the protein is around 4g.

Does this make sense my friend?

The protein weight and the calories from this protein powder is exceptional. The calories aren’t too high, and the protein is very high.

To have a successful bulk, you need to make sure that your surplus is not too high, otherwise you’ll experience high fat gain.

Yet you also need to make sure you’re eating a high amount of protein.

This protein powder, with it’s moderate amount of calories and high protein achieves that.

Helping with recovery

So after exercise, we need to recover. That makes sense anyway, after a gruelling and tough training session, we need to recover from such activity.

Protein is one way to do that.

Protein helps restore (and subsequently BUILD) and build strength from the training that we incur. Without protein, we would struggle to recover for the next training session and be stronger than last time.

The added protein to your diet from the egg protein powder will help you achieve that,.


Let’s take a step back from the muscle and fat loss.

We’re all focused on our macros.

We’re all focused on how we make sure we get in our necessary calories, protein, carbs and fats for the day.

We’ve all been in the situation where we’ve realised that we’re low on protein and calories for the day.

I’ve been there, you’ve been there.

Introducing egg protein powder.

Egg protein powder is versatile because it can be taken and used at any time of the day.

Low at night?

Protein shake. Quickly shake up some egg protein powder and milk (or water and whatever else you like), that’s some easy 25g (or even more) protein.

Want to feel extra full in the morning?

Have a protein shake.

Want to make your oats high protein? Add the egg protein powder.

Want to make your pancakes high protein?

Yes I said it. Read it again.

Yes you can by adding egg protein powder. You get the point I’m sure. You can use it in many ways and can have it whenever you want throughout the day to make sure you’re on top of your protein for the day.

It’s a terrible feeling to look back on the day and realise that you’ve under eaten your protein for the day. Egg protein powder can help you avoid that.

Beyond Fitness: The Overarching Health Benefits of Egg Protein Powder

Many nutrients

As mentioned previously, this protein powder is a complete protein source. This means that it provides you with all the essential amino acids that your body cannot produce on it’s own.

A true superfood.

Complete protein sources improve your recovery even more than incomplete protein sources.

Additionally, this protein powder has many vitamins and minerals. This was also covered in our guide.

The vitamins and minerals are as follows:

– Vitamin b6, B1, B3, B12, B5,B2

– Selenium

– Phosphorus

– Magnesium

– Zinc

– Sodium

– Iron

If you didn’t know, that’s more than whey protein.

You’re getting a lot of vitamins and mienrals, which all come with their own benefits.

Supporting your immune function

Studies have concluded that egg white proteins can help protect against infection.

The egg white proteins can provide a rich source of immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and antioxidants.

High Biological value

Egg white protein powder is also known for it’s high bioavailability. This means that it is easy to digest and absorb for the body.

Your body is essentially able to make the most of it.

Dairy and Lactose-free

Egg white protein powder also has no dairy and lactose, making it suitable for those individuals who are allergic. (Consult a professional if you’re really worried)

Anti-cancer effects

Truly a wonderful benefit.

It was found that egg proteins and peptides decrease the ability of cancer cells to invade the body and protect our DNA.

Egg protein powder and it’s composition help this process.

Addressing Misconceptions: Debunking A Common Myth associated with Egg Protein Powder

Do not expect yourself to magically pack on all that muscle, lose all that fat, recover excellently just because of egg protein powder.

That’s not how this works.

Some people hold the perception that protein powder will be the key to your problems.

Unfortunately, it wont.

If your diet isn’t good.

If your diet consists of a bunch of fast food and low in protein, then it won’t work out well.

You must make sure that your eating clean (for the most part) and are already having a decent amount of protein, so that adding egg protein powder will actually benefit you.

If you need to eat 120g of protein a day, but are only having 50 grams.

Adding an extra 25g protein from the egg protein powder won’t do as much. Now compare that to this.

If you’re eating a 100g protein, then adding the 25g protein from the egg protein powder will do you a lot more.

Make sure you’re already eating well so you can maximise the benefits.

You’re a smart individual my friend, good luck.

Putting Knowledge into Practice: How to Get these benefits

So how can we get these benefits?

We’ve already been through one, which is eating well and already consuming a decent amount of protein.

  • Another way is to have a protein shake at a set time everyday. This is to get you in the habit of having a protein shake each day and not missing out on the potential benefits.
  • Another way is to have a serving size that does not exceed 40g. More is not always better. This is my own personal recommendation and I’ve found it to work well for me. It’s likely to work well for you too, however you are always free to do what you want.
  • An important method is to not rely on egg protein powder. Remember that this is a supplement.

It’s an addition to what you’re already eating. Carrying this mindset will prevent you from depending on this supplement for all of your success and broaden your perspective on the approach you’re taking.

  • Find meals in which you could include this protein powder in. I recommend you check some out here!

Alright, that wraps up everything for today. Let me know your experience with egg protein powder and any other protein powder. I’m still and always will be learning, just like you.

Until we meet again my friend.


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