About Declan


(read through this whole page, trust me)

I’m Declan, founder of The Optimal Protein. The fitness industry, with all of it’s supplements, workout-splits and ideas surrounding dieting is something I found to be quite overwhelming initially (similarly to many others). It can be EXTREMELY daunting at first, especially with the ever changing trends that circulate this industry. I’ve spent a lot, learnt a lot and am always learning new things about this industry.

It’s been a DIFFICULT journey… and it still is

During December 2019, I decided to make the decision to dedicate myself to the gym. However, I realised a few things

  • I was underweight
  • Skinny fat
  • Had no awareness of nutrition
  • Was overwhelmed by the fitness industries information

Despite this, I gained assistance from a friend for a year and then went to learn on my own. Around 4 years later (with 3 years of serious dedication), I’ve built a decent amount of muscle and have learnt many, many things. I’ve realised how important nutrition and discipline are, all whilst falling in love with the process.

I’ve been through bulks, cuts, maintenance and plateau’s.

I’ve been happy, satisfied, upset, furious and confused at my physique’s development.

One thing that I was confused about was supplements, in particular protein powder and the necessity for Protein. There were so many options on the market and I always wondered if they were worth it or not. Whilst I am still carving and developing my physique, protein (and the powders) have always been a standout topic for me due to the various options on the market, which leads me into the mission.

I am on a mission to help you make better decisions for your physique, just I am simultaneously doing. But there’s more to it than that

My mission and goal is to help you build your physique, as I am also embarking on this journey.

Your goal may be to lose a those hefty kg’s, to get rid of that stubborn fat. Your goal may also be to maintain or even build muscle mass, to get closer to that “greek god” physique (my goal!). Regardless, Optimal Protein and it’s content is designed to assist YOU!

So what’s next?..Transforming

Whilst our ultimate (but, initial) goal is to help you with protein powder, it is highly likely that this space and that goal will develop into more. More than just assisting you with protein powder, but with your mindset, your fears, your growth and so much more. If you observe an odd title, one that seems unrelated to protein powder, it wasn’t a mistake. I will uncover as much I can about protein powder, but then expand, as all things do.

I want to help you and many of these things are derived from my own experiences. I also want to spread what I have learnt and am currently learning. I’m not a professional, I’m not an expert, I’m just someone who wants to spread what they learn on their personal development journey. I’m a work in progress, I’m always learning, and knowledge should be spread. I’ll continue to try my best, to help me and you, my friend.

I want to be honest to you, and the content may evolve over time. (Honestly, it took me around 2 months to start this, I was so nervous. So I hope this helps you, we all deserve to become better). Let’s evolve!

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or if you’d like to share your thoughts. Aside from that, you’re always free to share your accomplishments or even to just start a conversation.

You’ve stumbled onto something great my friend! Thank you so much for joining and I hope to make this worth your while


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