Mass gainer shake ideas – Promoting Muscle Growth


Every once in a while, it’s good to take deep breath, breathe and be present in the moment. Have you done that today? Just taken a deep breath and breathe out slowly. No? 

Ok, let’s do that right now. Breathe in for 5 seconds, and exhale for another 5. 

Do that often my friend. Alright onto business. 

Mass gainer shakes. These are excellent. Drinking calories are great and are typically easier to get down that the standard whole foods, so it makes sense that these are popular. 

You may not want to use a mass gainer powder for whatever reason and that’s ok. The next step, which you are here for, are the mass gainer shake ideas. We’ll go through some easy, simple ideas that you could use to up your calories. 

If you want to use these recipes, it’s likely you are bulking. This means that you would want these recipes to be high in both protein and calories to ensure the caloric surplus, which is necessary for muscle growth. 

Well, these recipes have exactly that. Take what you will from them, change what you want and happy bulking my friend. Let’s get into it. 

Remember this though, and do not forget this. 

Having these shakes WILL NOT guarantee muscle growth. Muscle growth encompasses many things, so do not forget the other aspects for muscle growth, such as rest, intensity, protein, caloric surplus and patience. 

Alright, not let’s actually get into this. 

(If you want to learn about what a mass gainer powder is, check out my post here: What is a mass gainer supplement?)
Mass gainer shake ideas

Banana Mass


1 Banana

300ML Whole Milk (or almond milk)

40G Protein powder (vanilla and/or banana would be best, however you can make do)

45G Rolled Oats

A handful of ice cubes

20g of Peanut butter

10g Maple syrup


Blend until smooth. 


750 Calories, 55g Protein and 24g Fat!

Iced Coffee Mocha Mass

This…is a banger


A cup of brewed and chilled coffee of your choice

40g mocha powder

300ml of whole milk (or almond milk)

50g Protein powder 

1 1/2 Banana

20g peanut butter

Handful of ice cubes

15g rolled oats.


Blend until smooth


740 cals, 61g protein and 25g fat!

Green Mass

Gotta get your greens in, and here you can. 


300ml whole milk (or almond milk)

100g frozen pineapple

150g spinach or kale

45g protein powder

1 banana

Handful of ice cubes

90g Greek yoghurt


Blend and blend. 


650 calories, 60g protein and 20g fat. 

Berry Mass

Last, but certainly not least. 


300ML whole milk (or almond milk)

40g rolled oats

40g protein powder

80g frozen mixed berries 

1 banana

Handful of ice


You know the drill, blend!


660 Calories, 55g protein and 14g fat. So this is the leanest recipe so far. 

To Finish…

There we have it my friend. Use them in the morning for breakfast or maybe for lunch (I wouldn’t use these for dinner personally).

Hopefully, this is useful for you and you stick to that caloric surplus. Stick to the bulk and trust the process.

Also, it’s important to note that the calories and macros may vary depending on brands. However, they shouldn’t be too far off. 

Good luck and I’ll see you next time. 

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