What age can you take protein powder?


Let’s say you know what protein powder is and you’re ready to buy it, but there’s one question that is yet to be answered. 

“What age can you take protein powder?”

Some people believe that you should wait until you’re in your 20s. Some people believe you should avoid it entirely. Some people believe when you’re around 15 is fine. There are also some wild beliefs and assumptions that if you consume protein powder before the age of 18, you will mess up the growth of your body (wrong). 

You get the point though, so many assumptions and so many beliefs. It wouldn’t be surprising if you believed one of them because of all the confusion. 

To be frank, there isn’t a widely accepted age that permits protein powder use.

Today we will be going through my own story of protein powder use and what I would do differently. We’ll also go through the general recommendations, the upper limits and explore the purpose of protein powder to give you something to question yourself. 

My story

I began training at around the start of 2020. This was the beginning of my bulk. 

I entered a caloric surplus with the hopes of building muscle and was trying to eat a lot of protein. Keep in mind that I was about 15. 

I was training and doing my best, however, something felt wrong after about 6 months I believe. I didn’t feel like I was putting on muscle. I didn’t feel like I was experiencing the true glory of noobie gains. 

I felt frustrated and that something was missing. Of course, being my naive self with my fitness journey, I looked to social media and noticed something. 

…Protein Powder. 

Everyone was using protein powder and it seemed so normalised. 

I wasn’t using it and to be honest, I attributed my lack of muscle growth to it. 

So I bought it and began using it. 

What do you think happened next?

I grew more muscle, but only slightly. 

Truth be told, I could’ve grown a lot more muscle if I had done many things differently, such as my training program, intensity, sleep and simply having patience. 

Regardless, I did grow slightly more muscle because I was now consuming more protein in general. However, my actual protein intake needed to grow muscle back then was much lower than now, so I should’ve been to meet my needs without it. 

Anyway, if I could go back in time and change something (for the sake of the lesson, we will focus on the diet), I would research more about high-protein whole foods and incorporate them into my diet. With this, I wouldn’t have needed to look to protein powder, considering my protein intake back then was lower. 

Then as my necessary protein intake increased over time, and if I am struggling to satisfy my protein goals with whole foods, I would look to protein powder. Furthermore, let’s say that back then I did the research, but I realised my protein intake necessary to build muscle was really high and it would’ve been difficult with whole foods. In this situation, I would use protein powder to achieve my goal. 

Now, not once did I criticise myself for using protein powder at that AGE, but I criticised myself for not RESEARCHING enough before using protein powder

Oh and the idea of protein powder stunting growth, from my experience is clearly incorrect, since not only have I grown significant muscle, but I’ve also grown taller. 

Some of you may be wondering what my own recommendation is after all this. Well, no younger than 16 is my own recommendation. However, I will always encourage whole foods before supplements. 

General reccomendation

Okay enough about myself, let’s go into the general recommendations on companies and some health articles. 

I want you to see this for yourself, so I have a request for you. 

If you have a protein powder with you, check the sides. I just happen to have 3 different brands in my pantry, and 2 out of 3 of them actually state that the protein powder is not suitable for individuals under the age of 15. So I’d like for you to check for this sign yourself if you have any on you. 

Moreover, some supplement companies have their own recommendations for their product and state that if you’re under the age of 16, then the protein powder is not suitable. 

Again, we see the reoccurring theme of many different manufacturers having their own standards. 

In my time though, I have never seen a company permit the consumption of their own protein powder if they’re under the age of 15. That is, the lowest age I have seen is 15. 

So for the purpose of this section, we can conclude that the general standard and recommendation is that protein powder is not to be used by individuals who are under the age of 15. 

I actually agree with this.

The upper limit

I would also like to flip the switch from younger people to older people. 

We’ve been discussing the younger age group, but I believe it is also necessary to direct the attention to the older group. 

Adults in their 40’s, 50’s and even 60’s can have protein powder. This is assuming that their doctor has no issue with it and they have no allergies. 

Both of my parents have actually used protein powders for brief periods and there were no issues, so I’ve seen it first-hand. 

Again, I would like to reiterate that I am not a professional or a dietitian. Instead, I am relaying what I know from my own knowledge, experience and research as I embark on this journey, 

Understanding the purpose

Protein powder will not solve all your problems to building and maintaining muscle, no matter the age you are.

For any younger teens reading this who are relatively new to the gym, don’t think that protein powder will magically cause 12 kg of muscle to appear. Do not be fooled, be realistic.

Also, before thinking about buying protein powder, do your research and see if you can achieve your protein goals without this supplement. I am quite positive that 80% of you reading this will not need it so soon. Don’t be lazy and actually research how you can eat a high-protein diet.

Don’t forget the other nutrients as well.

To Finish

So there really isn’t a perfect age at which the consumption of protein powder is the most optimal, as it depends on your circumstances.

My own recommendation is that if you’re under the age of 15, you should not be having protein powder. Furthermore, even if you’re 15,16,17, I doubt you’ll actually need it. Take the time to research other ways to hit your protein goals.

You may find that you might not even need it and you’ll save money.

This post may have shattered some people’s hopes for protein powder but so be it, this is necessary.

Thanks for reading and I hope you learnt something. I’ll see you next time.

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