10 High Protein Foods? Assets to Muscle

Yo guys,

10 High Protein foods is the topic of the day. We’ll go into that, but first, we have to discuss something.

We’re in October now. That means we’re ten months into the year.

Are you still going strong on your new Year resolutions? Have you lost those stubborn kilo’s? Have you put on that muscle? Have you been taking active strides to become a healthier individual? I really hope you all said yes.

I don’t want the cycle to continue. The cycle of everyone maintaining their new year’s resolution for a few months then fall off, then repeat the same at around January. The cycle must end eventually. Life is too short to not make a significant change.

Work hard my friends.

Alright alright, back to the topic of the day.

10 High Protein Foods.

I’ve compiled a list of my favourite high protein foods that enabled me, and still helps me to maintain and build muscle. I wish I had this when I first started. I think I just overcomplicated a few things, so I hope this helps.

Of course, you do not have to have all the foods in here, you can just pick and choose whatever you want. However, I hope this is of some use to you all.

Let’s get into it.

(Also, all this info today will help you greatly on building and maintaining muscle, but also will help you in keeping a caloric deficit. A caloric deficit is the best way to get you ABS and FAT LOSS!)

10 High Protein Foods. An Example


This has got to be my favourite. By far.

I think I’ve been having tuna almost everyday for about two years.

It’s great man. It’s so high in protein, low in fat, and I find it quite enjoyable. It’s also low in calories.

I typically have around 70g a day, and just stick it between to slices of bread (an odd way of describing a sandwich).

I’m talking about the one in the can by the way, with vegetable oil. 70g of that has approximately 100 calories, with 20g protein and less than 1g of carbs.

Those macros are excellent. It’s like straight protein and low calories. A super food for protein. You could stick it in pasta, rice, with potatoes or whatever else you want.

“But what about mercury poisoning?” I’ve heard about that actually, that apparently too much tuna can cause that. However, because I didn’t want to stop eating tuna, I continued eating it and nothing has happened for the past two years. It’s likely that you need to eat A LOT, for a LONG period of time. So I wouldn’t worry about that too much.

However if you are concerned, It’s probably best to just go and speak to a professional.

Chicken Breast

A classic, and for good reason too. It’s cost effective, delicious, versatile and high in protein. It’s also quite filling.

A serving of 120g (raw) will provide you with around 24g of protein, 3g of fat and 0g fiber.

Chicken is damn fantastic and I don’t think it will ever leave my diet.

You can also opt for chicken thighs. To be honest, I enjoy them more than chicken breast. This is because they have slightly more fat, which actually enables the chicken to be juicier and tender. It’s also high in protein.

So yes, chicken breast is great.

Lean Beef Mince

I frequently alternate between this and chicken thighs/breast. Sometimes you get tired of something and want to switch it up.

Here is my switch up.

Now, it’s understood that ‘lean’ varies. Sometimes it’s 80/20, or 90/10 or even 92/8.

What those numbers are referring to is the lean mean to fat level. So 80/20 is 80% lean meat, and the remaining 20% is the fat level.

Furthermore, some companies use star levels. So they’ll have 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 star lean levels.

The one I frequently purchase is the 4 star, which is 10% fat. Of course, you can go with your preferred desired of fat. They taste slightly different because of the fat level. More fat is going to be tastier and juicier, whilst less fat will result to a less juicy taste.

Anyway, a serving of 150g (4 star or 90/10) will give you 31.5g of protein, 15g fat and 1.5g of carbohydrates.

Very nice if you ask me. Combine it with some pasta and your meal is really really high in protein.

It’s versatile as well. You can pair it with rice, burrito’s, potatoes, tacos, nachos and anything else your heart desires. So look out for that lean beef mince.


My day feels incomplete without eggs.

I can’t rememberr the last time I didn’t have eggs for breakfast. It is truly a superfood.

They’re very nutritional. They have so many nutrients and minerals and taste great. Such a simple thing, yet amazing.

I have two eggs everyday (yes, with the yolk, come on now). That provides you with 12.6g of protein and 9.5g of fat. Of course, you could also just choose egg whites, but I prefer it with the yolk, as the vitamins are primarily found in the yolk.

Again, very versatile. You could have them plain with some salt and pepper, you could have an eggs benedict, mix them in a smoothie, have a sandwich. Whatever your heart desires.

Greek Yoghurt

Very nice indeed.

Greek yoghurt has an array of flavours and is very high in protein. The one I usually by has the “0.5% milkfat” sign on it. I like to eat around 150g of it and that gives us 11g of protein, 0.2g of fat, 104 calories and 14g carbs. It’s sweet, easy to get down, high in protein and quite low in calories.

It’s ideal for when you are cutting, bulking, or maintaining.

You could mix with fruit, have it by itself, make a smoothie, bake with it, make pancakes. It’s a decent price and I’m sure almost all of you would find a purpose for it.


An underrated choice in my opinion. I had this a lot when I was bulking.

A cup, or 220ml, has 150 calories, with 8g protein, 8g fat and 12g carbs.

Look, I know it does not seem high in protein, but I put this in here for the bulkers. The versitality of Milk is immense.

You have it with protein shakes, smoothies, by itself, in coffee, tea, pancakes, french toast. It’s also a liquid, which is great. Liquid calories are much easier to consume than solid foods.

I would reccommend using this a lot for when you are bulking.

Nutri Grain Cereal

I bet you didn’t see this coming.

I had this as a snack when I was on my second bulk. Just a 30g serving is 111 calories, with 6.4g protein, 0.2 fat and 20 carbs. A great option for the bulkers.

I wouldn’t overlook this.

If you want a quick shot of calories that are filling and high in protein, look to this cereal.

Just try it. Come slander me in the comments if I failed you (fingers crossed you actually find it useful though)


We now come back to the seafood realm.

Prawns are great. A personal favourite.

A serving 150g gives you 87 calories, 20g of protein, 1.5g of fat and 1.5g carbs. That’s pretty damn nice.

Although less versatile if you ask me, those macros are certainly appealing. I’m a seafood guy, so I love this kind of food. However, I hope you guys don’t underestimate prawns. Maybe you’re at a restaurant and are unsure of what option of is high in protein, well now you know prawns are.


I don’t have too much of this, but it’s a nice add on for meals.

I’m referring to the hame you put on sandwiches by the way. I had this a lot when I was bulking. I frequently threw them on some eggs or simply had a sandwich with them.

There a so many versions of ham, so I can’t give you exact macros. However, for reference, the one I usually eat (for a 50g serving), is 50 calories, with 8g protein and 2g fat. It’s a good amount of calories and isn’t something difficult to consume, so I would also recommend this.

Although, it’s probably my least favourite out of everything we’ve been through. Despite this, it is an option.

Protein Powder

Straight up, protein powder.

Been having it for the longest time. Just a simple protein shake in the morning, alongside an appropriate breakfast.

If you are going to use this, as always, do not depend on it. It’s not an essential item and is only a supplement to your overall protein intake.

All the above options are more preferable (except maybe the ham). Remember, whole foods are superior to supplements. That’s where you want to be getting the bulk of your nutrients and calories from.

Closing up

Alright. We’ve made it to the end.

Let me know your own favourite high-protein foods in the comments. I’m quite curious to find out what your favourites are.

Remember to work hard on whatever goal you’ve set for yourself.

I’ll see you all next time!

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